Better Homes and Garden Radio

Jean Robb

Volunteer your remarketable gifts and become more marketable!

Volunteer and Market Yourself…Remarkably

“Remarkable Marketable Mehelps you share your remarkable gifts volunteering, making you more marketable along the way.

By Jean Robb

I didn’t have the best childhood. We didn’t have much, so if you needed something you had to find a way to get it. I started working at 11 years old selling candy door to door. I know very scary right, but at 11 years old all I knew was I had to sell a certain amount of candy before I could go home. When I knocked on a door, out came my foot and I didn’t move it until you bought a box of candy. The skills I learned from my difficult childhood, (my lemons) really became a blessing (my lemonade).

I learned at a really young age that persistence will open many doors. As an adult I have walked out on a stage with a tiger after Zig Ziglar and talked to over 2,000 people about overcoming their fears. I know you must be thinking…a tiger? I have volunteered for over 15 years with big cat sanctuaries and have learned you can do something you really love while helping others in remarkable ways. In today’s economy you hear lots of people say they can’t find a job. So what happens?

The longer you’re out of work, you start to lose your contacts. You’re not keeping up with the day-to-day changes in your trade. You’re simply out of the loop. The longer you’re in this position the more the fear sets in. What if I can’t find a job? I have so much to offer, how do I get someone to talk to me? Well as you can see, fear can really take a hold of you, it makes you feel like a deer in the headlights. How do you overcome these things?

First off, STOP listening to the FEAR and STOP making EXCUSES. Look, I’ve made many of the same excuses when I’ve let fear be a part of my life. I now realize that the answer to overcoming the fear is to replace it with remarkable things you can be proud of. Instead of asking why would anyone want to hire me, ask yourself why not me?

After volunteering you could say. Look at the change I’ve made in the lives of others. Look what I’ve learned along the way. Look at the skills I’ve been taught while helping others. Look at the great people I’ve met. They’ve seen first hand the type of passion I put into any job I take on. So how will this work? I have made a commitment to bring you a volunteering opportunity at least once a week. The process of volunteering can be more complicated than people may think.

Email me your news. I have included in each story all the information I received and the direct contacts to make it really easy for you to get your foot in the door.Network, Network, Network” See how you can use that experience to build your resume. Most of all how did you feel about helping others today.

My goal is to get you to share with all of us your experience. Think about how much we can learn from each other. Please email me your pictures and story to so I can post them each day. I will add the trademarks, video and links for you.

Jean Robb is a real estate agent in the Dallas – Fort Worth area who is committed to promoting the importance of volunteering for your community.We have the infrastructure in place with the best real estate team in North Texas, and the process for you and I, together can “give back” to those in need without costing you an extra dime. It’s a win/win for both of us. When you contact me, just mention this page and I'll donate 5% of my commission to any non-profit you want to help!

After reading the above information ask yourself “why would I choose any other realtor”?

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I make my living as a Realtor. It allows me the opportunity to stay involved with so many charities. If you're in need of a great Realtor please go to

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Walk to End Alzheimer's™

Click on the link above to see the GUZMAN23FOUNDATION main page

Jose and Maria Guzman

The mission is to provide financial assistance to those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, their families or loved ones when finances or basic insurance is unavailable. This is a personal journey to honor my Mother, Maria Mirabal Guzman, who died from this terrible disease.
It’s my desire to help families care for their loved ones in their own home as long as possible. A secondary goal is to help improve Alzheimer’s facilities, making them a place where families feel their loved ones will be cared for with compassion.

 The end of Alzheimer's disease starts here.
Join Jose Guzman and the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's™ and unite in a movement to reclaim the future for millions. Walk to End Alzheimer's is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer's care, support and research. Together, we can end Alzheimer's disease — the nation's sixth-leading cause of death.

10/1/2011 Alzheimer’s Walk

Walk, jog or sprint 2.2 miles starting at the UTA-Maverick Activities Center–Outdoor Basketball/Volleyball Court (on the south side of the MAC.

Call or Email Leslie Alvarez
(800) 272-3900 or (817) 336-4949

 Caring for Alzheimer's

No two people experience Alzheimer’s disease in the same way. As a result, there's no one approach to caregiving. Your responsibilities can range from making financial decisions, managing changes in behavior, to helping a loved one get dressed in the morning.
Handling these duties is hard work. But by learning caregiving skills, you can make sure that your loved one feels supported and is living a full life. You can also ensure that you are taking steps to preserve your own well-being.

Caregiver Notebook
The Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Notebook contains information and resources to help manage the challenges of caring for an individual with Alzheimer's. Order your copy today.

Financial Matters

The annual cost of caring for one individual with Alzheimer's disease ranges from nearly $18,500 to more than $36,000, depending on the stage of the disease. 

Costs you may face

Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease, and the type and level of care a person needs will change over time. Consider all the costs you might face now and in the future.
  • Ongoing medical treatment, including diagnosis and follow-up visits
  • Treatment for other medical conditions
  • Prescription drugs
  • Personal care supplies
  • Adult day services
  • In-home care services
  • Residential care services, including assisted living and nursing homes

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